(Enoxaparin Sodium Injection USP)
Enoxaparin Sodium Injection USP
Each pre-filled syringe contains:
Enoxaparin Sodium USP 20mg
(Derived from porcine intestinal mucosa)
Water for Injection USP q.s.
Enoxaparin Sodium Injection USP
Each pre-filled syringe contains:
Enoxaparin Sodium USP 40mg
(Derived from porcine intestinal mucosa)
Water for Injection USP q.s.

Enoxaparin Sodium Injection USP
Each pre-filled syringe contains:
Enoxaparin Sodium USP 60mg
(Derived from porcine intestinal mucosa)
Water for Injection USP q.s.
Enoxaparin Sodium Injection USP
Each pre-filled syringe contains:
Enoxaparin Sodium USP 80mg
(Derived from porcine intestinal mucosa)
Water for Injection USP q.s.

A-EXARIN 100mg
Enoxaparin Sodium Injection USP
Each pre-filled syringe contains:
Enoxaparin Sodium USP 100mg
(Derived from porcine intestinal mucosa)
Water for Injection USP q.s.
Pharmaceutical form : Solution for injection in pre-filled syringe (Injection)
Enoxaparin is indicated in adults for:·
- Prophylaxis of venous thromboembolic disease in moderate and high risk surgical patients, in particular those undergoing ortho paedic or general surgery including cancer surgery.·
- Prophylaxis of venous thromboembolic disease in medical patients with an acute illness (such as acute heart failure, respiratory insufficiency, severe infections or rheumatic diseases) and reduced mobility at increased risk of venous thromboembolism.·
- Treatment of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE)o excluding PE likely to require thrombolytic therapy or surgery.·
- Prevention of thrombus formation in extra corporeal circulation during hemodialysis.·
- Acute coronary syndrome:
-Treatment of unstable angina and Non ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction NSTEMI), in combination with oral acetylsalicylic acid.
-Treatment of acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEM I) including patients to be managed medically or with subsequent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).
Posology and method of administration Posology
- Prophylaxis of venous thromboembolic disease in moderate and high risk surgical patients Individual thromboembolic risk for patients can be estimated using validated risk stratification model
- In patients at moderate risk of thromboembolism, the recommended dose of enoxaparin sodium is 2,000 IU (20 mg) once daily by subcutaneous (SC)injection. Preoperative initiation (2 hours before surgery) of enoxaparin sodium 2,000 IU (20 mg) was proven effective and safe in moderate risk surgery.
- In moderate risk patients, enoxaparin sodium treatment should be maintained for a minimal period of 7-10 days whatever the recovery status (e.g.mobility). Prophylaxis should be continued until the patient no longer has significantly reduced mobility.
- In patients at high risk of thromboembolism, the recommended dose of enoxaparin sodium is 4.000 IU (40 mg) once daily given by SC injection preferably started 12 hours before surgery. If there is a need for earlier than12 hours enoxaparin sodium preoperative prophylactic initiation (e.g. high risk patient waiting for a differed orthopaedic surgery), the last injection should be administered no later than 12 hours prior to surgery and resumed 12 hours after surgery.
- For patients who undergo major orthopaedic surgery an extended thrombo prophylaxis up to 5 weeks is recommended.
- For patients with a high venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk who undergo abdominal or pelvic surgery for cancer an extended thrombo prophylaxis up to 4 weeks is recommended.
- Prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism in medical patients
The recommended dose of enoxaparin sodium is 4,000 IU (40 mg) once daily by SC injection. Treatment with enoxaparin sodium is prescribed for at least 6 to 14 days whatever the recovery status(e.g. mobility). The benefit is not established for a treatment longer than 14days.
Treatment of DVT and PE
Enoxaparin sodium can be administered SC either as a once daily injection of 150 I Mg (1.5 mg/kg) or as twice daily injections of 100 IU/kg (1 mg/kg).
The regimen should be selected by the physician based on an individual assessment including evaluation of the thromboembolic risk and of the risk of bleeding. The dose regimen of 150 IU/kg(1.5 mg/kg) administered once daily should be used in uncomplicated patients with low risk of VTE recurrence. The dose regimen of 100 I Ufkg (1 mglkg)administered twice daily should be used in all other patients such as those with obesity, with symptomatic PE, cancer, recurrent VTE or proximal (vena i Iiaca) thrombosis.
Enoxaparin sodium treatment is prescribed for an average period of 10 days. Oral anticoagulant therapy should be initiated when appropriate (see -Switch between enoxaparin sodium andoralanficoagulants").·
-Prevention of thrombus formation during haemodialysis
The recommended dose is 100 IU/kg (1mglicg) of enoxaparin sodium.
For patients with a high risk of haemorrhage, the dose should be reduced to 50111/kg (0.5 mg/kg) for double vascular access or 75 IU/kg (0.75 mgrkg) for single vascular access.
During haemodialysis. enoxaparin sodium should be introduced into the arterial line of the circuit at the beginning of the dialysis session. The effect of this dose is usually sufficient for a4-hour session; however, if fibrin rings are found, for example after a larger than normal session, a further dose of 50IU to 100 IU/kg (0.5 to 1 mghcg) maybe given.
No data are available in patients using enoxaparin sodium for prophylaxis or treatment and during haemodialysis sessions.·
- Acute coronary syndrome: treatment of unstable angina and NSTEMI and treatment of acute STEM!·
- For treatment of unstable angina and NSTEMI, the recommended dose of enoxaparin sodium is 100 111/kg (1 mgikg) every 12 hours by SC injection administered in combination with antiplatelet therapy. Treatment should be maintained for a minimum of 2 days and continued until clinical stabilization. The usual duration of treatment is 2 to 8days.
Acetylsalicylic acid is recommended for all patients without contraindications at an initial oral loading dose of 150-300mg (in acetylsalicylic acid-naive patients) and a maintenance dose of 75-325mg/daylong-term regardless of treatment strategy.·
-For treatment of acute STEMI, the recommended dose of enoxaparin sodium is a single intravenous (IV) bolus of 3.000 IU (30 mg) plus a 100 lUlkg (1 mgfkg) SC dose followed by 100 It.likg (1 mg/kg) administered SC every 12hours (maximum 10.000 IU (100 mg) for each of the first two SC doses).Appropriate antiplatelet therapy such as oral acetylsalicylic acid (75 mg to325 mg once daily) should be administered concomitantly unless contraindicated. The recommended duration of treatment is 8 days or until hospital discharge, whichever comes first. When administered in conjunction with a thrombolytic(fibrin specific or non-fibrin specific). enoxaparin sodium should be given between 15 minutes before and 30 minutes after the start of fibrinolytic therapy.
o For dosage in patients 75 years of age, see paragraph'ElderlY.
o For patients managed with PCI. if the last dose of enoxaparin sodium SC was given less than 8 hours before balloon inflation. no additional dosing is needed. If the last SC administration was given more than 8 hours before balloon inflation, an IV bolus of 30 lUlkg (0.3 mgikg) enoxaparin sodium should be administered.·
- Paediatric population
The safety and efficacy of enoxaparin sodium in paediatric population have not been established. ·
- Elderly
For all indications except STEMI, no dose reduction is necessary in the elderly patients. unless kidney function is impaired.
For treatment of acute STEMI , in elderly patients z75 years of age. an initial IV bolus ust not be used. Initiate dosing with 75 Ill/kg (0.75 mg/kg) SC every 12 hours maximum 7,500 IU (75 mg) for each of the first two SC doses only, followed by 75/kg (0.75 mglkg) SC dosing for the remaining doses). For dosage in elderly patients lh impaired kidney function, see below -renal impairment
.• Severe renal impairment
Enoxaparin sodium is not recommended for patients with end stage renal disease creatinine clearance <15 mUmin) due to lack of data in this population outside the prevention of thrombus formation in extra corporeal circulation during haemodialysis. Dosage table for patients with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance [15-30] ml/min):
The recommended dosage adjustment do not apply to the haemodialysis indication.·
-Moderate and mild renal impairment
Although no dose adjustment is recommended in patients with moderate (creatinine clearance 30-50 mLimin) and mild (creatinine clearance 50-80 mUmin) renal impairment. careful clinical monitoring is advised.
Method of administration
Enoxaparin should not be administered by the intramuscular route.·
-For the prophylaxis of venous thrombo-embolic disease following surgery, treatment of DVT and PE, treatment of unstable angina and NSTEMI, enoxaparin sodium should be administered by SC injection.·
- For acute STEMI. treatment is to be initiated with a single IV bolus injection immediately followed by a SC injection.·
- For the prevention of thrombus formation in the extra corporeal circulation during haemodialysis. it is administered through the arterial line of a dialysis circuit. The pre-filled disposable syringe is ready for immediate use.·
- SC injection technique: Injection should be made preferably when the patient is lying down. Enoxaparin sodium is administered by deep SC injection.
Do not expel the air bubble from the syringe before the injection to avoid the loss of drug when using pre-filled syringes. When the quantity of drug to be injected requires to be adjusted based on the patient's body weight. use the graduated pre-filled syringes to reach the required volume by discarding the excess before injection. Please be aware that in some cases it is not possible to achieve an exact dose due to the graduations on the syringe, and in such case the volume shall be rounded up to the nearest graduation.
The administration should be alternated between the left and right anterolateral or posterolateral abdominal wall.
The whole length of the needle should be introduced vertically into a skin fold gently held between the thumb and index finger. The skin fold should not be released until the injection is complete. Do not rub the injection site after administration.
Note for the pre-filled syringes fitted with an automatic safety system: The safety system is triggered at the end of the injection.
In case of self-administration, patient should be advised to follow instructions provided in the patient information leaflet included in the pack of this medicine.·
- IV (bolus) Injection (for acute STEM! indication only):
For acute STEMI, treatment is to be initiated with a single IV bolus injection immediately followed by a SC injection.
Enoxaparin sodium should be administered through an IV line. It should not be mixed or co- administered with other medications. To avoid the possible mixture of enoxaparin sodium with other drugs. the IV access chosen should be flushed with a sufficient amount of saline or dextrose solution prior to and following the IV bolus administration of enoxaparin sodium to clear the port of drug. Enoxaparin sodium may be safely administered with normal saline solution (0.9%) or 5% dextrose in water.
Initial 3,000IU(30 mg) bolus
For the initial 3,000 IU (30 mg) bolus, using an enoxaparin sodium graduated pre-filled syringe, expel the excessive volume to retain only 3,000 IU (30 mg) in the syringe. The 3,000 IU (30 mg)dose can then be directly injected into the IV line.• Additional bolus for PCI when last SC administration was given more than 8 hours before balloon inflation For patients being managed with PCI, an additional IV bolus of 30 IU/kg (0.3 mg/kg) is to be administered if last SC administration was given more than 8 hours before balloon inflation. In order to assure the accuracy of the small volume to be injected, it is recommended to dilute the drug to 300 IU/mL(3 mg/mL).To obtain a 300 IU/mL (3 mg/mL) solution, using a 6,000 IU (60 mg) enoxaparin sodium prefilled syringe, it is recommended to use a 50 mL infusion bag (i.e. using either normal saline solution (0.9%) or5% dextrose in water) as follows: Withdraw 30 mL from the infusion bag with a syringe and discard the liquid. Inject the complete contents of the 6,000 IU(60 mg) enoxaparin sodium pre-filled syringe into the 20 mL remaining in the bag. Gently mix the contents of the bag. Withdraw the required volume of diluted solution with a syringe for administration into the IV line. After dilution is completed, the volume to be injected can be calculated using the following formula [Volume of diluted solution (mL) = Patient weight (kg) x 0.1]or using the table below. It is recommended to prepare the dilution immediately before use. Volume to be injected through IV line after dilution is completed at a concentration of 300 IU (3 mg)/ml · Arterial line injection: It is administered through the arterial line of a dialysis circuit for the prevention of thrombus formation in the extra corporeal circulation during haemodialysis.· Switch between enoxaparin sodium and oral anticoagulants Switch between enoxaparin sodium and vitamin K antagonists (VKA) Clinical monitoring and laboratory tests[prothrombin time expressed as the International Normalized Ratio (INR)] must be intensified to monitor the effect of VKA. As there is an interval before the VKA reaches its maximum effect, enoxaparin sodium therapy should be continued at a constant dose for as long as necessary in order to maintain the INR with in the desired therapeutic range for the indication in two successive tests. For patients currently receiving a VKA, the VKA should be discontinued and the first dose of enoxaparin sodium should be given when the INR has dropped below the therapeutic range.• Switch between enoxaparin sodium and direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) For patients currently receiving enoxaparin sodium, discontinue enoxaparin sodium and start the DOAC 0 to 2 hours before the time that the next scheduled administration of enoxaparin sodium would be due as per DOAC label. For patients currently receiving a DOAC, the first dose of enoxaparin sodium should be given at the time the next DOAC dose would be taken. Administration in spinal/epidural anaesthesia or lumbar puncture Should the physician decide to administer anticoagulation in the context of epidural or spinal anaesthesia/analgesia or lumbar puncture, careful neurological monitoring is recommended due to the risk of neuraxial haematomas. -At doses used for prophylaxis A puncture-free interval of at least 12hours shall be kept between the last injection of enoxaparin sodium atprophy lactic doses and the needle or catheter placement. For continuous techniques, a similar delay of at least 12 hours should be observed before removing the catheter. For patients with creatinine clearance[15-30] mL/min, consider doubling the timing of puncture/catheter placement or removal to at least 24 hours.The 2 hours preoperative initiation of enoxaparin sodium 2,000 IU (20 mg) is not compatible with neuraxial anaesthesia.-At doses used for treatment A puncture-free interval of at least 24hours shall be kept between the last injection of enoxaparin sodium at curative doses and the needle or catheter placement. For continuous techniques, a similar delay of 24 hours should be observed before removing the catheter. For patients with creatinine clearance[15-30] mL/min, consider doubling the timing of puncture/catheter placement or removal to at least 48 hours. Patients receiving the twice daily doses(i.e. 75 IU/kg (0.75 mg/kg) twice daily or 100 IU/kg (1 mg/kg) twice-daily)should omit the second enoxaparin sodium dose to allow a sufficient delay before catheter placement or removal. Anti-Xa levels are still detectable at these time points, and these delays are not a guarantee that neuraxial hematoma will be avoided. Likewise, consider not using enoxaparinsodium until at least 4 hours after the spinal/epidural puncture or after the catheter has been removed. The delay must be based on a benefit-risk assessment considering both the risk for thrombosis and the risk for bleeding in the context of the procedure and patient risk factors.
Enoxaparin sodium is contraindicated inpatients with:
• Hypersensitivity to enoxaparin sodium, heparin or its derivatives, including other low molecular weight heparins(LMWH)
• History of immune mediated heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) within the past 100 days or in the presence of circulating antibodies.
• Active clinically significant bleeding and conditions with a high risk of haemorrhage, including recent haemorrhagic stroke, gastrointestinal ulcer, presence of malignant neoplasm at high risk of bleeding, recent brain, spinal or ophthalmic surgery, known or suspected oesophageal varices, arteriovenous malformations, vascular aneurysms or major intra spinal or intracerebral vascular abnormalities;
• Spinal or epidural anaesthesia or loco-regional anaesthesia when enoxaparin sodium is used for treatment in the previous 24 hours.
Special warnings and precautions for use
Enoxaparin should not be used interchangeably with other medicines belonging to the group of low molecular weight heparins. This is because they are not exactly the same and do not have the same activity and instructions for use. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before using Enoxaparin if:
• you have ever had a reaction to heparin that caused a severe drop in the number of your platelets
you are going to receive spinal or epidural anesthesia or lumbar puncture (see Operations and Anaesthetics): a delay should be respected between Enoxaparin use and this procedure·
- you have had a heart valve fitted·
- you have endocarditis (an infection of the inner lining of the heart)
-you have history of gastric ulcer you have had a recent stroke·
- you have high blood pressure·
-you have diabetes or problems with blood vessels in the eye caused by diabetes (called diabetic retinopathy)·
- you have had an operation recently on your eyes or brain·
- you are elderly (over 65 years old) and especially if you are over 75 years old you have kidney problems·
-you have liver problems·
- you are underweight or overweight·
-you have high level of potassium in your blood (this may be checked with a blood test) are currently using medicines which affect bleeding (see section below - Other medicines)
You may have a blood test before you start using this medicine and at intervals while you are using it; this is to check the level of the clotting cells(platelets) and potassium in your blood.
Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction
Concomitant use not recommended:
• Medicinal products affecting haemostasis
It is recommended that some agents which affect haemostasis should be discontinued prior to enoxaparin sodium therapy unless strictly indicated. If the combination is indicated, enoxaparin sodium should be used with careful clinical and laboratory monitoring when appropriate. These agents include medicinal products such as:
-Systemic salicylates, acetylsalicylic acid at anti-inflammatory doses, and NSAIDs including ketorolac
,- Other thrombolytics (e.g. alteplase,reteplase, streptokinase, tenecteplase, urokinase) and anticoagulants.
Concomitant use with caution:
The following medicinal products may be administered with caution concomitantly with enoxaparin sodium:
• Other medicinal products affecting haemostasis such as
:- Platelet aggregation inhibitors including acetylsalicylic acid used at antiaggregant dose (cardioprotection),clopidogrel, ticlopidine, and glycoprotein IIb/Illa antagonists indicated in acute coronary syndrome due to the risk of bleeding. -Dextran 40,
-Systemic glucocorticoids.
• Medicinal products increasing potassium levels:
Medicinal products that increase serum potassium levels may be administered concurrently with enoxaparin sodium under careful clinical and laboratory monitoring.
Fertility, pregnancy and lactation
In humans, there is no evidence that enoxaparin crosses the placental barrier during the second and third trimester of pregnancy. There is no information available concerning the first trimester.
Pregnant women receiving enoxaparin sodium should be carefully monitored for evidence of bleeding or excessive anticoagulation and should be warned of the haemorrhagic risk. Overall, the data suggest that there is no evidence for an increased risk of haemorrhage, thrombocytopenia or osteoporosis with respect to the risk observed in non-pregnant women, other than that observed in pregnant women with prosthetic heart valves.
If an epidural anaesthesia is planned, it is recommended to withdraw enoxaparin sodium treatment before.
It is not known whether unchanged enoxaparin is excreted in human breast milk. In lactating rats, the passage of enoxaparin or its metabolites in milk is very low. The oral absorption of enoxaparin sodium is unlikely. Enoxaparin can be used during breastfeeding.
There are no clinical data for enoxaparin sodium in fertility. Animal studies did not show any effect on fertility.
Effects on ability to drive and use machines
Enoxaparin sodium has no or negligible influence on the ability to drive and use machines.
Undesirable effects
Very common (may affect more than 1 in 10people)·
- Bleeding.·
- Increases in liver enzymes.
Common (may affect up to 1 in 10 people)·
- You bruise more easily than usual. This could be because of a blood problem with low platelet counts.·
- Pink patches on your skin. These are more likely to appear in the area you have been injected with Enoxaparin.·
- Skin rash (hives, urticaria).·
- Itchy red skin.·
- Bruising or pain at the injection site.·
- Decreased red blood cell count.·
- High platelet counts in the blood.·
- Headache.
Uncommon (may affect up to 1 in 100 people)·
- Sudden severe headache. This could be a sign of bleeding in the brain.·
- feeling of tenderness and swelling in your stomach. You may have bleeding in your stomach.·
- Large red irregularly shaped skin lesions with or without blisters.·
-Skin irritation (local irritation).·
-You notice yellowing of your skin or eyes and your urine becomes darker in colour. This could be a liver problem.
Rare (may affect up to 1 in 1,000people)·
- Severe allergic reaction. The signs may include: a rash, swallowing or breathing problems, swelling of your lips, face, throat or tongue.·
- Uncommon (may affect up to 1 in100 people)· Sudden severe headache. This could be a sign of bleeding in the brain.·
- A feeling of tenderness and swelling in your stomach. You may have bleeding in your stomach.·
- Large red irregularly shaped skin lesions with or without blisters.·
- Skin irritation (local irritation).·
-You notice yellowing of your skin or eyes and your urine becomes darker in colour. This could be a liver problem.·
-Rare (may affect up to 1 in1,000 people)·
-Severe allergic reaction. The signs may include: a rash, swallowing or breathing problems, swelling of your lips, face, throat or tongue. ·
- Increased potassium in your blood. This is more likely to happen in people with kidney problems or diabetes. Your doctor will be able to check this by carrying out a blood test.·
- An increase in the number of eosinophils in your blood. Your doctor will be able to check this by carrying out a blood test.·
- Hair loss.·
- Osteoporosis (a condition where your bones are more likely to break) after long term use.·
- Tingling, numbness and muscular weakness (particularly in the lower part of your body) when you have had a spinal puncture or a spinal anaesthetic.·
- Lost of control over your bladder or bowel (so you cannot control when you go to the toilet).·
- Hard mass or lump at the injection site.
Signs and symptoms
Accidental overdose with enoxaparin sodium after IV, extracorporeal or SC administration may lead to haemorrhagic complications. Following oral administration of even large doses, it is unlikely that enoxaparin sodium will be absorbed.
The anticoagulant effects can be largely neutralized by the slow IV injection of protamine. The dose of protamine depends on the dose of enoxaparin sodium injected; 1 mg protamine neutralizes the anticoagulant effect of 100 IU (1 mg) of enoxaparin sodium, if enoxaparin sodium was administered in the previous 8 hours. An infusion of 0.5 mg protamine per 100 IU (1 mg) of enoxaparin sodium may be administered if enoxaparin sodium was administered greater than 8 hours previous to the protamine administration, or if it has been determined that a second dose of protamine is required. After 12 hours of the enoxaparin sodium injection, protamine administration may not be required. However, even with high doses of protamine, the anti-Xa activity of enoxaparin sodium is never completely neutralized (maximum about 60%) (see the prescribing information for protamine salts).
Pharmacodynamic properties
Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antithromboticagent, heparin group, ATC code: B01AB05
Enoxaparin is a biosimilar medicinal product. Detailed information is available on the website of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency.
Pharmacodynamic effects
Enoxaparin is a LMWH with a mean molecular weight of approximately 4,500 daltons, in which the antithrombotic and anticoagulant activities of standard heparin have been dissociated. The drug substance is the sodium salt.
In the in vitro purified system, enoxaparin sodium has a high anti-Xa activity (approximately 100 IU/mg) and low anti-lla or anti thrombin activity (approximately 28 IU/mg), with a ratio of 3.6. These anticoagulant activities are mediated through anti- thrombin III (ATIII)resulting in anti-thrombotic activities in humans.
Pharmacokinetic properties
General characteristics
The pharmacokinetic parameters of enoxaparin sodium have been studied primarily in terms of the time course of plasma anti-Xa activity and also by anti-lla activity, at the recommended dosage ranges after single and repeated SC administration and after single IV administration. The quantitative determination of anti-Xa and anti-lla pharmacokinetic activities was conducted by validated amidolytic methods.
The absolute bioavailability of enoxaparin sodium after SC injection, based on anti-Xa activity, is close to 100%.
Different doses and formulations and dosing regimens can be used.
The mean maximum plasma anti-Xa activity level is observed 3 to 5 hours after SC injection and achieves approximately0.2, 0.4, 1.0 and 1.3 anti-Xa IU/mL following single SC administration of 2,000IU, 4,000 IU, 100 IU/kg and 150 IU/kg (20 mg, 40 mg, 1 mg/kg and 1.5 mg/kg)doses, respectively.
A3,000 IU (30 mg) IV bolus immediately followed by a 100 IU/kg (1 mg/kg) SC every 12 hours provided initial maximum anti-Xa activity level of 1.16 IU/mL (n=16) and average exposure corresponding to 88% of steady-state levels. Steady-state is achieved on the second day of treatment.
After repeated SC administration of 4,000IU (40 mg) once daily and 150 IU/kg (1.5 mg/kg) once daily regimens in healthy volunteers, the steady-state is reached on day 2 with an average exposure ratio about 15% higher than after a single dose. After repeated SC administration of the 100 IU/kg (1 mg/kg) twice daily regimen, the steady-state is reached from day 3 to 4 with mean exposure about 65% higher than after a single dose and mean maximum and trough anti-Xa activity levels of about 1.2 and 0.52 IU/mL, respectively.
Injection volume and dose concentration over the range 100-200 mg/mL does not affect pharmacokinetic parameters in healthy volunteers.
Enoxaparin sodium pharmacokinetics appears to be linear over the recommended dosage ranges.
ntra-patient and inter-patient variability is low. Following repeated SC administration no accumulation takes place.
Plasma anti-lla activity after SC administration is approximately ten-fold lower than anti-Xa activity. The mean maximum anti-Ila activity level is observed approximately 3 to 4 hours following SC injection and reaches 0.13 IU/mL and 0.19 IU/mL following repeated administration of 100 IU/kg (1 mg/kg) twice daily and 150 IU/kg (1.5 mg/kg)once daily, respectively.
The volume of distribution of enoxaparin sodium anti-Xa activity is about 4.3 litres and is close to the blood volume.
Enoxaparin sodium is primarily metabolized in the liver by desulfation and/or depolymerization to lower molecular weight species with much reduced biological potency.
Enoxaparin sodium is a low clearance drug with a mean anti-Xa plasma clearance of 0.74 L/h after a 150 IU/kg (1.5 mg/kg)6-hour IV infusion.
Elimination appears monophasic with a half-life of about 5 hours after a single SC dose to about 7 hours after repeated dosing.
Renal clearance of active fragments represents about 10% of the administered dose and total renal excretion of active and non-active fragments 40% of the dose.
Store between 20°C and 25°C, excursions permitted between 15°C and 30°C.
24 Months
A-EXARIN (Enoxaparin Sodium Injection USP) 20mg/40mg/60mg/80mg & 100mg are supplied in 1mL pre filled glass syringe.